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Accurate tyre balancing in the Illawarra

Modern tyre technology involves a range of factors that work together to ensure that your vehicle drives smoothly and safely. These factors include:

  • Correct camber/castor
  • Wheel alignment
  • Accurate tyre balance and pressure

It only requires one of these variables to be askew for problems to start developing, with the potential for major expense a little further along the road.

Why get tyres balanced?

Poorly balanced tyres are not just a cause of driver and passenger discomfort. They can also create lasting damage to a number of suspension and driveline components if left unrectified for any length of time.

The latest tyre balancing technology

Here at Tyrepower Illawarra, every tyre we fit is perfectly balanced using the very latest computer-aided tyre balancing technology. By addressing both the static and dynamic balance, our skilled tyre technicians are able to eradicate wheel judder and vibration.

We pay great of attention to detail on all of the services we provide to our customers. From the quality of the tyres we fit to the alignment and tyre balancing that we carry out, everything is checked for safety and fit before your vehicle is allowed back onto the roads. We only offer one standard of workmanship to our clients, and that is our very best.

Tyre balancing in the Illawarra

We are the tyre balancing experts in the Illawarra - Contact us for a full range of quality motoring services.

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For more information about Tyre Balancing at Tyrepower Illawarra, call us directly on your local store number or use the form to send us a message.

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